Friday, October 2, 2009

Long update

In the last month, I've defended my thesis, packed up and moved to Seattle. It wasn't a far move - from Vancouver to Seattle, but that has kept me quite busy.

On my way back from the roadtrip, I stopped in Seattle to see a house - I did and signed the lease. Upon moving in, we discovered an unrespectable amount of mold and a few days later - fleas! The flea incident led to find out about 3 cats who had previously lived in the house and had gone berserk. The smell of urine is embedded in the carpet, but only comes out when the wind is blowing in from the east - go figure!

And after two weeks of trying to get the owner to get the mold/flea/cat situation - I decided to look for other housing.

And now, I'm happily settled into the new house. The lack of sunshine in my room is the only complaint, but the sun lamp takes care of this most days...with rainy, cloudy, overcast days, the lack of direct sunshine in my room won't be much of an issue. On the upside, I get my own half-bathroom.

The house also comes with two friendly cats, a part-time dog, and a part-time, hyper active 4-year old. House pics to come at a later date~

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